Agenda item

Work Programme for the Municipal Year 2018/19

Report of Assistant Director of Law and Governance


The Assistant Director Law and Governance submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to this Scrutiny Committee’s work programme for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2018/19.


The work programme has been reviewed to link it to the outcomes and conditions in the Sustainable Community Strategy and each topic has been linked to performance indicators from the Performance Management Framework to provide accurate data for Members to use when considering topics and the work they wish to undertake.


The Lead Officer provided Members with an updated position in relation to individual items within the schedule.


Discussion ensued on the need to convene Special meetings to give consideration to the Library Consultation, the Local Plan and the Joint Waste Management Strategy for the Tees Valley (Minute P14 above refers).


RESOLVED – (a) That the current status of the Work Programme be noted.


(b) That the Work Programme be updated to reflect the decisions of this Scrutiny Committee.


Supporting documents: