Agenda item

SUPPLEMENTARY ITEM(S) - Meeting of the Crown Street Library Trustees


The Leader reported at the meeting that Friday 23 October 2020 was the 135th Anniversary of the opening of the Crown Street Library.


It was reported that the library was a great philanthropic gift to the Town by the Pease Family; it had contributed very significantly to the education, advancement and well-being of the people of Darlington; to mark the anniversary, a virtual meeting, via Microsoft Teams, of the Trustees of the Crown Street Library would take place on Friday 23 October 2020 commencing at 11.00 am; the meeting would be live streamed and recorded and all were welcome to attend; and that it was intended to move a vote of thanks to Edward Pease at the meeting in addition to providing an update on the building renovation, hear how the library service had been coping during lockdown and its future plans.


RESOLVED – That it be noted that a meeting of the Trustees of Crown Street Library would take place on Friday 23 October 2020 to mark the 135th Anniversary of the Opening of Crown Street Library.


REASON – To inform Members at the earliest opportunity of the plans to mark the 135th Anniversary of the opening of Crown Street Library.