Agenda item

COVID-19 in Darlington

Presentation by Director of Public Health


The Public Health Principal and Director of Public Health gave a presentation updating Members on the Covid-19 situation in Darlington and in doing so reminded Members of the importance of the campaign regarding Hands, Face, Space as a measure to control the spread of the virus.


Details were provided of the five measures used to assess the Tier levels; namely case detection rates in all age groups; case detection rates in over 60’s; rate of cases falling or rising; positivity rate; and pressure on the NHS.


Members noted that there had been 3770 positive cases in Darlington since March; that cases peaked on 15 November with 361 cases per 100k and that the current rate was 193 cases per 100k. It was also reported that the 70-79 and 80-89 age groups had seen an increase in the number of cases in the last fourteen days, and that this increase could be attributed to an outbreak in a care home.


It was also reported that the bed occupancy and ICU occupancy had peaked in November and was starting to decline; and that the case rates across Darlington and the Tees Valley had decreased between 1 and 8 December 2020. Members also noted that Care Homes had reported 36 outbreaks since March 2020; and household transmission was the greatest source of positive cases.


Details were provided on the new government guidance; the lateral flow testing, which was underway in Darlington; and the Covid-19 vaccination programme was outlined.


Discussion ensued on community testing; the Director of Public Health advised Members that the initial supply of lateral flow tests was 20k; the tests were for anyone and everyone that was asymptomatic; the test site was launched on 14 December at the Dolphin Centre; the testing centre would remain open until 23 December, with tests recommencing on 11 January 2021; and a small increase in the number of positive cases was to be expected and this would help to reduce the number in relation to contact tracing.


RESOLVED – That the Public Health Principal and Director of Public Health be thanked for their update on the Covid-19

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