The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services will report that, Inspectors, appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, have :-
Dismissed the appeal by Mr Waistell against this Authority’s decision to refuse consent to undertake work to a tree protected by a Tree Preservation Order. 47 Blackwell Lane, Darlington, DL3 8QF (20/00022/TF) (Copy of Inspector’s decision letter attached)
RECOMMENDED – That the report be received.
The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services reported that the Inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment had :-
Dismissed the appeal by Mr Waistell against this Authority’s decision to refuse consent to undertake work to a tree protected by a Tree Preservation Order. 47 Blackwell Lane, Darlington, DL3 8QF (20/00022/TF)
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Supporting documents: