Motion to reinstate the Climate Change Working Group
‘This Council notes that:
On 18 July 2019 an amended Climate Emergency motion was passed.
One of the resolutions (h) contained in the motion, as amended, was to “Set up a cross-party working group to develop an action plan and milestones to achieve carbon neutral status.”
Our view is that the working group was systematically undermined and its terms of reference changed, without explanation, contrary to the motion, including that it should limit itself to monitoring progress only and should only meet quarterly or twice a year and recently stood down altogether
At this time, the action plan
referred to in the motion is still not ready for implementation and
there are no milestones in place.
The motion that was passed required this council to undertake various actions (including but not limited to):
• Set up a cross party working group
• To develop an action plan and milestones
• To achieve carbon neutral status
At this time, these actions remain undone.
This Council resolves to:
Ask Cabinet to bring forward a plan at its meeting on 12 January 2021 to reinstate the cross-party working group.
That this plan include terms of reference that provide confidence to any members serving on the working group that they will be allowed to work towards meeting the resolutions contained in the Climate Emergency motion.’
The following Motion was moved by Councillor Snedker, and seconded by Councillor Holroyd:
‘This Council notes that:
On 18 July 2019 an amended Climate Emergency motion was passed.
One of the resolutions (h) contained in the motion, as amended, was to “Set up a cross-party working group to develop an action plan and milestones to achieve carbon neutral status.”
Our view is that the working group was systematically undermined and its terms of reference changed, without explanation, contrary to the motion, including that it should limit itself to monitoring progress only and should only meet quarterly or twice a year and recently stood down altogether.
At this time, the action plan referred to in the motion is still not ready for implementation and there are no milestones in place.
The motion that was passed required this council to undertake various actions (including but not limited to):
• Set up a cross party working group.
• To develop an action plan and milestones.
• To achieve carbon neutral status.
At this time, these actions remain undone.
This Council resolves to:
Ask Cabinet to bring forward a plan at its meeting on 12 January 2021 to reinstate the cross-party working group.
That this plan include terms of reference that provide confidence to any members serving on the working group that they will be allowed to work towards meeting the resolutions contained in the Climate Emergency motion.’
In accordance with Council Procedure Rules, a request was made by five Members for a named vote on the Motion. A named vote was taken of those Members present at the meeting and there appeared:-
For the Motion – The Mayor, Councillors Ali, Allen, Boddy, Dr. Chou, Cossins, Crudass, Crumbie, Curry, Harker, Heslop, Holroyd, C. L. B. Hughes, Layton, Lee, Lucas, McCollom, Newall, M. Nicholson, Paley, Preston, A. J. Scott, Snedker, Tostevin and Wallis. (25)
Against the Motion – Councillors Bartch, Bell, Clarke, Mrs. Culley, Donoghue, Dulston, Durham, Howell, Johnson, B. Jones, Mrs. D. Jones, Keir, Laing, Marshall, Mills, K. Nicholson, Renton, Mrs. H. Scott, Tait and Wright. (20)
The Motion was Carried.