Agenda item

Review of Locally Agreed Syllabus - Consultation with Schools

Report of the Director of Children and Adults Services


The Director of Children and Adults Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to give consideration to a school consultation exercise to form part of the agreed review of the Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Darlington (Minute 102/Nov/20 refers).


It was reported that as part of the review process it was advisable to include Primary and Secondary Schools, including special Schools in Darlington in a consultation exercise; and Anne Davison, SEND and Inclusion Advisor, who was to assist the Members with the consultation exercise, provided for consideration a list of suggested questions to include in the questionnaire to schools. 


Discussion ensued on the suggested questions additional questions were proposed by Members.


IT WAS AGREED – That the consultation exercise with schools be commenced.



Supporting documents: