Agenda item

Performance Indicators Quarter 1 2018/19

Report of Managing Director


The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) and detailed performance scorecard (also previously circulated) providing Members with Quarter 1 Performance Data against key performance indicators for 2018/19.


It was reported that the performance indicators were aligned with key priorities and the majority were used to monitor the Corporate Plan 2017/21.  Many indicators for this Scrutiny Committee were reported annually and as quarterly updates were not available, all annual indicators would be included in the Quarter 4 report.


It was reported that the indicator set for this Scrutiny Committee had increased by eight and of the 39 indicators for Place Scrutiny Committee 17 were reported annually and one was reported six monthly at Quarters 2 and 4.


Details were provided for indicators which had previous data for comparison and it was noted that seven indicators had achieved or exceeded year-end targets, seven had not achieved year end targets and six did not have a year-end target. 


It was reported that Planning Indicators ECI 104 – Percentage of major planning applications decided within 13 weeks or within agreed time, ECI 105 – Percentage of non-major planning development decisions within eight weeks or within agreed time and ECI 106 – 24 months to date percentage of non-major development decisions within 8 weeks or within agreed time were currently exceeding year-end targets.  Environment indicators ENV 002 – Number of Street Champions who are actively involved in litter picking a minimum of once per month and ENV 005 – Local Environmental Quality Survey – percentage of 75 transpets inspected that pass the Litter Code of Practice list are both showing solid improvement at Quarter 1.  REG 312a – Percentage of noise complaints investigated and completed within six weeks of the date of receipt (Except where diary sheet returned) is also showing good performance and CUL 071 - Visits to the Head of Steam is showing strong performance at Quarter 1.


Members requested that CUL 065 be split to show visits to both Crown Street and Cockerton Libraries separately and following a question were advised that CUL 030 – total number of visits to the Dolphin Centre was inaccurate as there was an anomaly with footfall counters in that they did not tally with income received and that more accurate data would be provided in future.  Clarification was sought on CUL 038 – Number of individual attendances at Hippodrome Theatre shows and Members were advised that as this indicator was calculated cumulatively across the year it was unlikely to achieve end of year targets by the end of Quarter 1, however at this time it is anticipated that this indicator will reach its end of year target by the end of the year.  Members welcomed the data in relation to CUL 071 – Number of visits to the Head of Steam and in relation to the Hullabaloo enquired if the number of visits not related to shows could be captured.


In relation to ECI 105 – Percentage of non-major planning development decisions within eight weeks or within agreed time, Members were informed that there was a slight delay in getting applications up and running but this was due to new system problems and Officers hoped to be in a better position in three months’ time.


ECI 401 – New homes delivered against 5 year supply was currently on target with 139 completions being made at the of Quarter 1, however, Members were made aware that the figures were dependent upon the scheme operated by the developers i.e. build as sell or completion of all houses within the development.


Officers acknowledge that a better system was required to record the number of Street Champions actively involved in litter or ground maintenance projects (ENV 002) as there were more than the 77 registered with the Council.


In relation to ENV 006 – Total number of fly tips reported, Members were advised that this should reduce due to the allocation of additional resources.  It was also stated that the Contract for the new litter scheme was due to start on 17 September for a trial period of six months.


The Assistant Director, Community Services advised Members that Cabinet approval was being sought to enter into consultation on the Joint Waste Management Strategy for the Tees Valley and that this Scrutiny Committee would consider the strategy as part of that consultation process.


Members were informed that there had been around 1700 households wanting to access the garden waste service and that a further publicising exercise was to be undertaken.


In relation to REG 308 – Environmental Health: Percentage of premises broadly compliant for food hygiene Members were advised that the word ‘broadly’ was an official term used by the Food Standards Authority.


The Chair referred to TCP 600 – Number of people killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents and made particular reference to two serious road accidents that had occurred, following the introduction of a new road scheme, at St Cuthbert’s Way and requested that the Head of Highway Network Management attend the next meeting of this Scrutiny Committee scheduled for 25 October.


RESOLVED – (a) That the thanks of Scrutiny Committee be extended to Officers for their comprehensive accounts in relation to Performance Indicators.


(b) That the submitted report be noted.


(c) That the Head of Highway Network Management be requested to attend the next meeting of this Scrutiny Committee.


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