Agenda item

Local Transport Plan

Report of Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services


The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting Members give consideration to the draft Cabinet report (also previously circulated) prior to its consideration by Cabinet on 3 March 2021.


The submitted report provided Members with an annual update on highways and transport from a regional and local perspective; outlined delivery, performance and public satisfaction in 2020/21 and provided an update on the Tees Valley Strategic Transport Plan and the Darlington Transport Plan.


It was reported that the Strategic Transport Plan was adopted as the Local Transport Plan for the Tees Valley in January 2020; the Plan would help direct the investment of £256.7M into transport projects across the Tees Valley in the period of 2019-2029; and details were provided of the programmes already being progressed or delivered.


Following questions by Members it was confirmed that the Tees Valley Bus Partnership continued to be developed and that the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) continued to pay the concessionary bus fares at a pre-COVID-19 level to ensure services would still in place post COVID-19; that the decline in public satisfaction identified by the National Highways and Transportation Survey may be related to COVID-19 and that this would be closely monitored over the next year; and a number of schemes had been identified to address the key areas identified by the survey.


Details were provided of the capital and revenue investments in transport in Darlington 2020/21; and the TVCA and Darlington Borough Council funded programmes for 2021/22 were outlined. Following a question, Members were advised that a number of bids were being submitted to the Government; that Darlington had received a significant investment of £1.274M into the pothole fund; and Darlington would be submitting bids into the TVCA for further funding.


Members were concerned to note the suspension of both pedestrian and Bikeability cycle training programmes. The Assistant Director Transport and Capital Projects confirmed that sustainable travel was a priority; that these programmes had been suspended due to COVID-19 risk assessments and

would be re-introduced as soon as restrictions allowed; and discussions were underway with TVCA to secure funding to enable these programmes to continue.


Particular reference was made to the Darlington Transport Plan; a framework for the basis of consultation on the plan was approved by Cabinet in March 2020; progress had been delayed to due Covid-19 however the resources were now in place to progress the Plan. A PowerPoint presentation given by the Transport Planning Manager accompanied the submitted report, detailing the vision of the Darlington Transport Plan and the four key aims, which had been reviewed and updated, with a focus on supporting economic growth through the delivery ofsustainable transport options and identifying key traffic pinch points on the highway network. Members were pleased to note the inclusion of safety as a specific aim following feedback from the National Highways and Transportation Survey.


Following a request from this Scrutiny Committee in February 2020 for a specific transport plan for the town centre, Members welcomed the framework for the Town Centre Transport plan, noting the principles identified for the Plan and their links to Darlington’s Town Centre Strategy.


Particular discussion ensued in respect of electric vehicle charging points. Reference was made by Members to the benefits and limitations associated with electric vehicles; and Members were informed that a procurement process would be undertaken to identify sites for electric charging points in Darlington, with £2M funding from the TVCA to appoint a provider to supply and manage the infrastructure. 


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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