Agenda item



Death in Service - The Mayor reported on the Death in Service of Steven Taylor, who had sadly passed away on the 8th January 2021. The Mayor advised that Steven joined the Council on 11 March 2019, and worked as a Cleaner in the Dolphin Centre. It was reported that Steven was a well-respected member of the team, and would be greatly missed. As a mark of respect, Members observed a short silence in memory of Mr. Taylor.


Holocaust Memorial Day 2021 – The Mayor acknowledged Holocaust Memorial Day, which had taken place the previous day, and marked the 76th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.


The Mayor advised Members that, due to the current restrictions around the Coronavirus pandemic, the National Ceremony had been a virtual event, with the theme of ‘Be the Light in the Darkness’, and that households up and down the country had lit candles at 8pm to remember those who were murdered for who they were, and to make a stand against prejudice and hatred.


The Queen’s New Year Honours 2021 – The Mayor advised Members that Stuart Errington, Chief Fire Officer, County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service, had been awarded the Queen’s Fire Service Medal in the Queen’s New Year Honours.


RESOLVED – That the congratulations of the Council be conveyed to Mr. Errington for the receipt of his Award.


Appointment of Director of Children and Adult Services – The Mayor informed Members that, since the last meeting of the Council, James Stroyan had been appointed to the post of Director of Children and Adult Services on a permanent basis, and congratulated Mr. Stroyan on his appointment.