Agenda item

Revision to the Council's Senior Management Structure

Report of the Managing Director


The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) proposing a new Senior Management Structure for the Council, and to recommend appointments to three posts.


The submitted report presented a new senior structure which had been developed with input from Cabinet to better align with the Council’s priorities, and realigned services to ensure delivery of priorities. The submitted report recommended the creation of a post of Chief Executive which had the lead for Economic Growth, as well as the Head of Paid Service.


The submitted report also included a proposal to create a Group Director for Operations and a Group Director of Services, and recommended the deletion of the posts of Managing Director and Assistant Director of Housing and Building Services, following the retirement of the current postholders. A new post of Assistant Director (Housing and Revenues) was to be created by merging the existing Head of Housing and Revenues post with the relevant responsibilities previously held by the Assistant Director of Housing and Building Services.

The submitted report included recommendations as to the appointments to the newly created roles.


RESOLVED – (a) That the Senior Management Structure, as set out in Appendix A of the submitted report, be approved, with an implementation date of 1 June 2021.


(b) That the views of the Human Resources Committee be noted.


(c) That the appointment of Ian Williams as Chief Executive be approved.


(d) That the appointment of Elizabeth Davison as Group Director of Operations be approved.


(e) That the appointment of Anthony Sandys as Assistant Director (Housing and Revenues) be approved.


(f) That power be delegated the Assistant Director Law and Governance to make any consequential changes to the Constitution that are needed.


REASON – To amend the structure and to make key internal appointments.



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