Agenda item

Field at School Aycliffe Lane, School Aycliffe


20/01150/FUL - Modification of Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission 17/00283/FUL dated 16 December 2017 (Proposed residential development consisting of 101 dwellings with associated parking, access and landscaping) to vary the tenure of 5 no. affordable units from shared ownership to affordable rented units and modify the chargee duty clause (Additional Information received 21 December 2020).


(In making its decision, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), four letters of objection received from residents, and one further objection received subsequent to the report being issued to Members, which was read out at the meeting by the Planning Officer).


RESOLVED – That no objections be raised to the modification of the Section 106 Agreement attached to Planning Permission Reference Number 17/00283/FUL.

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