Agenda item

Progress Update on Digital Inclusion

Verbal update by Tony Murphy, Head of Education and Inclusion


Following a request by the Chair, Tony Murphy Head of Education and Inclusion provided Members with a verbal update regarding digital inclusion.


He advised Members that there had been approximately 3,600 devices issued to schools and Academy Trusts up to February to focus on disadvantaged children and the number of devices available to each school was based on the Department for Education (DfE) estimates.


He also advised that school leaders were learning from families that because remote learning had developed throughout the pandemic and a higher degree of formal learning had been developed, the limited number of devices in households was creating problems and detailed allocation and distribution data had been requested from the DfE so that the authority can support schools in the best way.


It was also reported that the Education Strategy Group meet weekly with the DfE to examine the level of need and also to identify any other barriers to learning.


Discussion ensued on the varied home learning experiences within families; the mental health impact on parents and in particular single parents; the barriers to accessing learning for some families who have multiple people trying to access remotely; access issues especially in rural areas; and the access to quiet space which is limited in some households.   Members acknowledged that despite schools returning on 8 March this was an issue to remain at the top of this Scrutiny Committee’s agenda.


RESOLVED – That the verbal update be noted.