Verbal update by Ian Neale, Darlington Mind Young Persons Co-ordinator:
Lockdown mental
stop reacting respond!
Ian Neale, Darlington Mind Young Persons Co-ordinator gave an update on the Children in Need Self-Harm Project and the work of Darlington Mind in supporting young people in all mental health issues and Members advised that young people were worried about Covid-19 and returning to school on 8 March and were generally struggling with their mental health.
It was reported that there were currently two counsellors offering help to young people and Ian advised Members that they can signpost young people for counselling to him upon completion of a referral form with a view to offering the young person the support they require. This service is available to young people aged 11-18 years and referrals were usually made from schools, parents or self-referral.
Discussion ensued on how to encourage more young people to take up mentoring roles and future plans to have peer mentors within schools. Members also referred to other organisations ie. the Listening Post who are also working with young people’s mental health issues.
RESOLVED – That Ian be thanked for his interesting and informative update.