Agenda item

Darlington Carers' Action Plan 2020-22

Report of Director of Children and Adults Services


The Director of Children and Adult Services submitted a report (previously circulated) providing information about carers in Darlington and seeking endorsement of the Darlington Carers Action Plan 2020-22 (also previously circulated).


The report stated that the 2011 census identified that there were 11,048 carers in Darlington; a national Carers Action Plan for 2018-20 was published by central government in June 2018, outlining the cross-government programme of work to support carers in England and building on the previous National Carers Strategy; and that despite a stated intention by government to publish plans for carers post 2020, nothing had been published.


It was reported that the Darlington Carers’ Strategy Steering Group had developed a Darlington Carers’ Action Plan for 2020-22 as a local response to the needs of carers; and that this was based on the key themes of services and systems that work for carers; employment and financial wellbeing; supporting young carers; recognising and supporting carers in the wider community and society; and building research and evidence to improve outcomes for carers.


Members were informed that the COVID-19 pandemic had resulted in a decrease in referrals to both the Carers Support and Young Carers Services; and that these numbers were starting to increase again.


RESOLVED – (a) That the Darlington Carers’ Action Plan 2020 – 22 be endorsed.


(b) That Members act as champions for carers in Darlington and consider how to support progress of the carers’ agenda in Darlington


REASON – To enable Darlington to continue to support carers and to be responsive to the challenges carers face as a result of the pandemic.

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