Agenda item

Councillors Stronger Community Fund

Report of the Managing Director.


The Cabinet Member with the Stronger Communities Portfolio introduced the report of the Managing Director (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the establishment of a pilot scheme to enable Councillors to utilise the fund, at their discretion, to deliver the objectives of the Stronger Communities Fund (SCF).


The submitted report stated that the approved Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) allocated £50,000 to establish a Stronger Communities Fund (Minute 56/Feb/21 refers); the scheme would operate for one year during which time its success would be reviewed, after which consideration would be given to whether the pilot scheme would become a permanent feature of the MTFP; and that £1,000 would be allocated to each Councillor to be used to deliver the objectives of the SCF which were to build Stronger Communities by supporting individuals and groups to enhance access to opportunities to improve health and wellbeing outcomes and to investing in environmental improvements that enhance the local area to the benefit of the local community.


It was reported that the scheme would be administered with maximum flexibility to enable learning and  benefits to be easily achieved by the pilot; Councillors could merge their allocations with other Councillors within their wards and across the Borough, should they so wish to do so; a third party could be used to allocate funds on their behalf; and that grants and investments should only be made to individuals or ‘not for profit’ organisations.


RESOLVED – (a) That the pilot Stronger Communities Scheme, as detailed in the submitted report, be approved.


(b)  That the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with the Stronger Communities Portfolio, be delegated responsibility, to determine if any proposals made by Councillors were out with the ‘spirit’ and procedures of the fund.

REASONS (a)  To determine the scheme.


(b)  To govern the scheme flexibly.


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