Report of the Assistant Director, Law and Governance and Proper Officer for Darlington Registration District.
The Assistant Director, Law and Governance and Proper Officer for Darlington Registration District submitted a report (previously circulated) to consider a review of the arrangements for marriages and civil partnerships in the Town Hall Darlington to ensure business continuity in accordance with the provisions of the Marriage Act 1949 (as amended by the Marriage Act 1994); the Civil Partnerships Act (2004); the Marriage and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005; and the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act (2013).
It was reported that the Register Office relocated from the Dolphin Centre to the Town Hall, Darlington in October 2016 and has since then been a successful choice for couples for a register office marriage or civil partnership.
There are currently three options for couples being the Statutory Marriage Room; the Council Chamber Foyer; and the Council Chamber.
It was proposed to maximise the potential options for a location for a wedding in an emergency or urgent situation to offer Committee Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the Civic Reception Lobby as deemed to be suitable as an emergency alternative to the Council Chamber and Council Chamber Foyer. These rooms would not be offered as options for couples wishing to be married, they are for business continuity use only.
RESOLVED – That the Council Chamber, Council Chamber Foyer and statutory marriage room continue to be the venues for marriages and civil partnerships in the Town Hall but that the following be licensed as additional rooms for marriages and civil partnerships for business continuity purposes:
(i) Committee Room 1 – maximum of 40 persons;
(ii) Committee Room 2 – maximum of 40 persons;
(iii) Committee Room 3 – maximum of 20 persons;
(iv) Committee Room 4 – maximum of 20 persons; and
(v) The civic reception lobby – maximum of 30 persons
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