Agenda item

Indoor and Outdoor Markets

Verbal update by Managing Director, Market Asset Management


The Assistant Director Economic Growth and Managing Director of Market Asset Management gave a presentation, updating Members on the progress made to date on the redevelopment of Indoor Market and an update on plans for the Outdoor Market.


It was reported that the outdoor market had faced a number of challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; phase one of the redevelopment, which included six street food kiosks, a bar and stage, new entrance and toilets, commenced in January and was progressing well; asbestos had been identified which delayed vacant possession of the site; and that the pre-letting for the street food kiosks was going well. In addition, the roofing work had almost been completed and furniture had been ordered.


Details were provided on phase two of the development;this was due to commence in May; would include work to the remaining shop floor and new entrances; and as part of phase two traders would be assisted in applying for grants to refurbish their own stalls. MAM were awaiting planning permission to commence phase three, temperate gardens and the anticipated completion date for work was Christmas.


Members were advised that MAM were working closely with the Council in developing a programme of events and activity to relaunch the market, including the recommencement of the Pease pudding market next month; the night time economy would include family entertainment; and the markets would become a regional attraction.


Following a question by Members in relation to the support for outdoor market traders Members were advised that MAM were in the process of developing an outdoor market strategy detailing how stalls would be attracted to Darlington and this would be shared with Members; that there were a good number of stalls in the market square; and acknowledged that it had been a difficult year for markets due to the pandemic. It was agreed that Members be provided with occupancy levels to gauge the success or otherwise of both the indoor and outdoor market.


Following a question by Members in respect of the contract terms and conditions for potential street food traders, it was confirmed that the street food traders would not be charged flat rent or service charge and would instead be charged a variable turnover rent; and a mutual break clause would be included in the contract should a trader wish to leave.


RESOLVED – That the presentation be noted.

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