Agenda item

Effects of the Pandemic on Children and Young People

Report of the Chair of the Review Group.


The Chair of the Effects of the Pandemic on Children and Young People Review Group submitted a report (previously circulated) presenting the outcome and findings of the Review Group established by the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee to examine the effects of the pandemic on children and young people and requesting that consideration be given to the recommendations contained within its final report.


The Chair of the Review Group addressed Cabinet in respect of the work undertaken by that Scrutiny Committee in conducting the review and outlined the findings and recommendations of the review.


The Children and Young People Portfolio Holder acknowledged the need for improved communication in respect of the offer for children and young people in Darlington and outlined the work currently being undertaken to support the recommendations.


RESOLVED – (a) That the recommendations of the Effects of the Pandemic on Children and Young People Review Group, as detailed in the submitted report, be endorsed.


(b) That the thanks of Cabinet be extended to the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee for their contribution to the Review.


(c) That the thanks of Cabinet be extended to the children and young people for their participation in the Review.


REASON – To ensure that all partners work together to support and improve services for the ongoing effects of the pandemic on children and young people.

Supporting documents: