Report of the Chief Executive
The Chief Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) to update Members on the approach to and outcomes from the Council’s Risk Management processes.
It was noted that positive progress continued to be made within the Authority regarding the management of key strategic risks and with the work undertaken by Officers to manage operational risk.
Particularly discussion ensued on the risks identified as above the risk appetite line in Corporate Risk in relation to Covid-19; Children and Adults Services; and Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services
It was also reported that in relation to Operational Risk Outcomes the Insurance Group continues to meet representatives of the Council’s insurers to examine insurance claims who are able to provide the group with an update in relation to trends and operational risks to enable continuous improvement to the health and safety culture within the organisation.
The Chair requested more information on a new risk identified in relation to additional funding provided by MHCLG for homelessness services and questioned if this had been received, how much and if this was sufficient for the authority’s needs.
The Chair also raised a question on an area highlighted to watch in the coming year of Musculoskeletal absence from employees working from home and asked what was available for Members who were also spending more time using IT equipment.
RESOLVED – That the submitted report be noted.
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