Agenda item

Progress Report - Red Hall Regeneration Master Plan and Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy


The Cabinet Member with the Housing, Health and Partnerships Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services  (previously circulated) updating Members on progress on the execution of the Red Hall Master Plan and Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy together with their integration with the Healthy New Town initiative and requesting that consideration be given to revising the action plan in the light of current circumstances and evidence. 


The submitted report outlined the background to the proposals; the progress of the various projects contained within the Master Plan; the proposals contained within the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy; financial implications of the proposals; equality considerations; and the consultation undertaken.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the progress against the Master Plan and the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.


(b)  That the Healthy New Town Board decision to implement the 10,000 step initiative and associated benches scheme, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.


(c)  That it be noted that the Great Places Arts Project, to be implemented 2018 to 2020, will explore the connections to the Stockton and Darlington Railway story.


(d)  That the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services be authorised to proceed to execute the following projects, namely:-

        (i)          improvements to the informal footpath network adjacent to the Red Hall Stables site (project 12 within the Master Plan);

       (ii)          provision of car parking facilities for the community centre subject to planning permission (part of project 14);

      (iii)          negotiate improvements to the current local shopping provision on site (part of project 5);

     (iv)          facilitation of the local garden grow your own initiative; and

      (v)          explore the options for the Friends of Red Hall to manage or assist in the management of the woodland and Nature Reserve. 

(e)  That the dependency of the proposals to extend Red Hall School, the implementation of new transport infrastructure and further considerations of an enhanced local centre on the emerging Burdon Hill development proposals, be noted.


(f)  That the intention to incorporate Healthy New Town principles into the Burdon Hill development and the Local Plan, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.

(g)  That officers consider whether any parts of the feasibility report that has assessed the merits of improving on the Radburn design principles could be reasonably implemented and will report further on those considerations.


REASONS – (a)  In order that progress against the aims of the Red Hall Master Plan and Neighbourhood Strategy can be communicated with residents, relevant stakeholders and funders.


(b)  To enable reasonable adjustments to be made to implement the next actions to execute the Red Hall Master Plan and Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy. ?????


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