Agenda item

Partnership Working in Darlington

Report of the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) which updated Members on a new partnership approach to delivering success for Darlington, agreed with partners, and sought agreement to amend the Council’s Constitution with regard to its lead strategic documents.

The submitted report outlined a number of changes made to partnership working in

Darlington, and it was reported that partners had agreed that the Partnership Board would cease and be replaced by a Public Sector Executive Group and other partnership arrangements to be developed. It was also reported that, as a result of the change in circumstances, the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) would cease to be used as the strategic lead for the Borough, and that the lead would now be provided to partners by the Council Plan.


The submitted report advised that this changed approach was considered and approved by Cabinet on the 1 June 2021, subject to approval by Council of the constitutional changes required. Members were informed that the Communities and Local Services Scrutiny Committee had held a Special Meeting on 25 June 2021, after the recommendation of Cabinet was called in. Members were advised that after carefully considering all of the points raised, the majority view of the Communities and Local Services Scrutiny Committee was that it was satisfied with the decision Cabinet took on 1 June 2021.


RESOLVED -(a) That the new approach to partnership working in Darlington be noted.


(b) That the great contribution to Darlington made by current and past Members of the Darlington Partnership be recognised.


(c) That the change of emphasis with the Council Plan standing as the Council’s lead strategy and agree that the Council ceases to have a separate Sustainable Community Strategy be approved.


(d) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director, Law and Governance to make consequential amendments to the Constitution.


REASONS - (a)To refresh partnering in Darlington and continues to thrive and acknowledge the general work done.


(b) For the matter to be considered by Council in accordance with the procedure for making changes to documents that are part of the policy framework.


(c) To enable appropriate amendments to the Constitution to be made.

Supporting documents: