Presentation by Director of Public Health
The Director of Public Health gave a presentation updating Members on the Covid-19 situation in Darlington.
Regarding Test 1 – ‘The vaccine deployment programme continues successfully’, Members were advised that vaccination rates continued to increase with the majority of adults having had two doses of vaccine and in respect of Test 2 – ‘Evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated’, it was reported that hospital admissions were not rising to the same degree as the infection rates; and that this indicated that the vaccines were effective in reducing hospitalisations.
Regarding Test 3 – ‘Infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS’, Members were advised that there had been a slight increase in bed occupancy in July but that this was now reducing; and details were provided of the changes to the government guidelines introduced from 16 August.
Discussion ensued in respect of guidance for staff working within the NHS and in Care Homes; and the Director of Public Health advised Members that an update on the Care Home position would be provided.
RESOLVED – That the Director of Public Health be thanked for her update on the Covid-19 recovery in Darlington.
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