Presentation by Chief Executive Officer, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust
The Chief Executive, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust gave a presentation (previously circulated) updating Members on the recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspections of the Adult Mental Health (AMH) and Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (PICU).
It was reported that the Elm Ward (female AMH) was inspected on 20 - 22 January, and again on 25 – 27 May alongside the Cedar (PICU) Ward; the key message from the inspection undertaken in January was outlined; and details were provided of the immediate actions undertaken.
Particular reference was made to the quality assurance schedule that had been designed to replace previous audit activity and included a range of activities to allow for early escalation of key issues.
Details were provided of the further actions undertaken including the rollout of the Safe Care system, a real-time rostering tool which had been implemented in 4-6 weeks; a programme of improvements in environmental safety including £3.8M of capital investment, with particular reference made to the anti-ligature sensors installed in West Park; and the creation of a new Organisational Learning Group.
The initial feedback from the inspection on 25 – 27 May indicated that the CQC felt the systems and processes in relation to risk management had been improved, however it was too early to give accurate feedback; and it was reported that further visits of CAMHS, Forensic, Community Adult Mental Health and the Crisis Team were undertaken in June, with feedback expected in September.
Members extended their thanks to the Trust for accommodating a tour of West Park; Members felt that this was a positive experience and that a number of changes within the Trust were evident.
RESOLVED – That the Chief Executive, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust, be thanked for his update on the CQC inspections.
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