Presentation by Head of Commissioning and Strategy, NHS Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group
The Head of Commissioning and Strategy, NHS Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group gave a PowerPoint presentation, updating Members on the Stroke Rehabilitation Service.
Details were provided of the background to the proposed changes to the stroke rehabilitation service; and figures for stroke admissions for patients registered with a Darlington GP Practice were outlined.
Reference was made to the visions for the service from March 2020 and an update of future provision was outlined. Members were advised that there would be no change to delivery of inpatient rehabilitation at Bishop Auckland Hospital and University Hospital North Durham; that proactive work had been undertaken across GP Practices to identify people with Atrial Fibrillation to ensure people were clinically optimized; and that work continued to support early discharge, with the adoption of a National Discharge to Assess Policy (2019/20) during COVID 19.
Details were provided of the additional investment into the RIACT community model; figures for Darlington in relation to the Sentinal Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) were outlined; the stroke association continued to work in tandem with the stroke service, with 178 referrals received in 2019-2020; and the current pathway and next steps were outlined.
Members queried the input from psychology and mental health services in stroke rehabilitation; the Head of Commissioning and Strategy confirmed that psychologists were involved in the pathway as part of the assessment process and that the County Durham and Darlington Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) was available for those individuals presenting to primary care.
Discussion ensued in respect of the future of stroke services, with the requirement to strengthen the community offer highlighted. Members were made aware of the potential to invest in community services as part of the Ageing Well funding.
RESOLVED – That the thanks of this Scrutiny Committee be extended to the Head of Commissioning and Strategy, NHS Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group for her informative and interesting presentation.
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