Report of Group Directors of Operations, People and Services
The Group Directors of Operations, People and Services submitted a report (previously circulated) providing Members with an update on performance against those key performance indicators within the remit of this Scrutiny Committee for the period 2020/21.
Details were provided of the 36 indicators reported to this Scrutiny Committee, twelve indicators were reported both Housing and Culture and 24 by Public Health.
At Quarter 4 data was available for nine of the twelve of the Housing and Culture indicators and of those indicators two had targets to be compared against. It was noted that both HBS 013 – Rent arrears of current tenants in the financial year as a % of rent debit (GNPI 34) and HBS 016 – Rent collected as a proportion of rents owed on HRA dwellings * including arrears b/fwd, were showing performance better than the target; and that, of the nine indicators, three demonstrated an improved performance compared to the same period in the previous year whilst six indicators, which included the three Culture indicators, showed a performance not as good as that recorded at the same period in the previous year.
Following a question, particular reference was made to HBS 03 – Average number of days to re-let dwellings. Members were advised that repairs required on empty properties were now carried out before the property was let rather than after a tenant moves in; and that positive feedback hds been received from new tenants on the quality of the accommodation.
It was reported that the Covid-19 restrictions had significantly impacted the performance of the Culture indicators, CUL 030 – Total number of visits to the Dolphin Centre (all areas), CUL 063 – Number of school pupils participating in the sports development programme and CUL 064 – Number of individuals participating in the community sports development programme, but that the response over the summer period had been excellent; and that there was planned re-engagement of residents over the next 24 months.
Details were provided on the Public Health indicators which had updated information to report at quarter 4, of which there were fourteen indicators. It was reported that of the fourteen indicators, five were showing an improved performance when compared to the same period in the previous year, whilst eight indicators were showing performance not as good as the previous year and one indicator was showing a performance the same as the previous year.
RESOLVED – (a) That the submitted report be noted.
(b) That Members submit any questions in respect of the Public Health indicators to the Director of Public Health.
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