Agenda item

Work Programme

Report of the Group Director of Operations


The Group Director of Operations submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to this Scrutiny Committee’s work programme and to consider any additional areas which Members would like to suggest should be included in the previously approved work programme


The submitted report advised Members that Economy and Resources Scrutiny Committee had requested that Youth Unemployment be included in this Scrutiny’s work programme and had proposed a joint piece of work to be undertaken with Children and Young People Scrutiny.   Members discussed the request to undertake a joint piece of work to examine the impact of youth unemployment on the economy, apprenticeship schemes and the numbers claiming benefits and agreed to lead on this work.


It was noted that an item raised at the last meeting to be included in the work programme to examine and understand what services and funding was provided by the Tees Valley will no longer be added to this Scrutiny work programme as Children’s Services did not receive any direct money from the Tees Valley Combined Authority and therefore may be an area for Economy and Resources Scrutiny Committee to examine as part of their work programme.


RESOLVED – (a) That the work programme be noted.


(b) That a joint review on Youth Unemployment be undertaken with Economy and Resources Scrutiny.

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