Report of the Group Director of People
The Group Director of People submitted a report (previously circulated) to present the Annual report and update Members on the progress and performance of the Designated Officer, April 2020 to March 2021 and to highlight the required actions for April 2021 to March2022.
The submitted report outlined the function of the Designated Officer in line with national guidance and the requirement of all organisations working with children in Darlington to have policies and procedures in place on what their organisation should do when an allegation is made against an employee/volunteer who has contact with children.
It was reported that these
policies and procedures were in line with Darlington Safeguarding
Partnership multi-agency procedures.
RESOLVED – (a) That the Annual Report and the work undertaken during 2021/22 and the priorities of the Designated Officer service for 2021/22 be agreed and noted.
(b) That all agencies consider how to promote the role of the Designated Officer within their ownorganisation.
Supporting documents: