Report of the Group Director of People
The Group Director of People submitted a report (previously circulated) at the request of Members to provide an overview of ‘Trauma Informed Practice’ and how Children’s Services are starting to embed and respond to Trauma and to outline the work towards becoming a Trauma Informed Service.
It was reported that Trauma is conceptualised in a broad spectrum, from the impact of poverty to the significant events that can be thought of in terms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (having a clear clinical start point). Trauma for children, young people and families can also occur via interaction with professionals and organisations, particularly when the approach does not follow a relational and strength-based methodology.
The submitted report highlighted that Trauma Informed Practice is relational and strengths-based, grounded in an understanding of and responsiveness to the impact of trauma. It was also reported that in Children’s Services the overarching practice methodology was based on Strengthening Families and Relational Practice therefore Trauma Informed Practice would fit seamlessly into the embedded approach to working with families.
The Virtual Head advised Members that from September the role of the Virtual School was expanding and will embed the Trauma Informed approach with the authorities Looked After Children and discussion ensued on the training with the majority of schools in Darlington attending and each school has an Designated Teacher who attends networking meetings. Training provided for Governing Bodies had also been well attended.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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