Report of the Group Director of People
The Group Director of People submitted a report (previously circulated) at the request of the Members to provide an overview of children in care who are placed in provision that is ‘off – framework’.
The submitted report outlined several rationales to why off-framework provision is commissioned and outlined annual costing and comparison with placements made ‘on-framework’; outlined the average off framework residential placement cost for Darlington in 2020/21 was £3,791 per week compared with £3,069 per week on Framework; advised that the number of off framework residential placements is 66 per cent based on all residential placements made in 2020/21 but was reflective of regional and national trends; and highlighted that within Independent Fostering, Darlington had a comparatively low number of off framework placements comprising 25 per cent of all placements at any one time.
General discussion ensued on the cost of off framework placements and the number of complex factors that whereby placement demands significantly outstrip placement availability and it was highlighted that placements were not necessarily more costly because they were off framework. The Assistant Director of Children’s Services emphasised that off framework placements can be the most suitable for some young people and can include education on site and work was constantly ongoing to review placements and placement costs and to analyse the cohort of Looked after Children.
Members questioned if there was any help the authority could offer to small local providers who find the bureaucracy associated with large framework contracts and procurement prohibitive and the Assistant Director of Children’s Services assured Members that Children’s Services were working with providers and commissioners to provide encouragement and assistance.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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