Report of the Group Director of People
The Director of Public Health submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide an update of the Children and Young People Public Health interventions and programs namely the Healthy Lifestyles Survey 2021, the Childhood Healthy Weight Plan, mental health in schools projects and the 0-19 Service.
It was reported that the Healthy Lifestyles Survey was delivered to 8500 pupils across 33 schools completing the survey annually; between April and June 2020, the Public Health team delivered virtual focus groups and online surveys with pupils from year 5 to year 10, parents and carers and school staff; and responses were received from 167 pupils, 32 parents and carers and 41 school representatives.
The Childhood Healthy Weight Plan aims to increase a healthy weight in children and young people and the objectives are focused to increase fibre and fruit and vegetable uptake, reduce sugar by increasing healthy food and drink swaps and aim to achieve 60 minutes of physical activity for every child and young person in the borough; and partnership work has resulted in the coproduction of a looked after young people and families toolkit, a children’s home food policy and a nutrition education staff training programme.
With regard to mental health in schools it was reported that the Children and Young Peoples (CYP) Mental Health Network continued to meet and provide an overview of CYP Mental Health on a fortnightly basis and the group had highlighted that children and young people are still being affected by COVID-19 in terms of mental health; the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and other services are noticing increased referrals although some of this may be due to the backlog when services could only be provided face to face for some patients with more complex needs; and to support staff in schools a Suicide Prevention Grant programme for training in relation to suicide prevention and self-harm was launched in June and the two applications submitted by Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College and St. Aidan’s Academy were successful in receiving £2000 each.
It was also reported that the 0-19 Service had introduced an enhanced digital offer to children and families during the Covid-19 pandemic and as restrictions were lifted the Service introduced more face to face appointments, while continuing to build on the success of the virtual offer.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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