Presentation by Head of Commissioning and Strategy for Children, Young People and Maternity, NHS Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group
The Head of Commissioning, Strategy and Delivery – Children and Young People, NHS Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group gave a presentation updating the Board on the Needs Led Neurodevelopmental Pathway.
Details were provided of the reasons for the changes to the pathway; the outcome of the parent carer consultation which was undertaken to understand the issues and complexities with the Autism diagnostic process; and a multi-agency partnership was established to look at the issues and determine a way forward.
It was reported that a family support service had been created and was due to go live in December 2021; a Darlington needs led neurodevelopmental website had been developed; details were provided of key areas of investment to improve diagnostic services; and the changes that families would to see to services were outlined.
Reference was made to the Darlington Bubble of Support and services which were included in this bubble; the pathway flow chart; and the current position of the new pathway, which was already having a positive impact on the length of time families were waiting for decisions regarding the need for a diagnostic assessment. Reference was also made to the National Autism Strategy which had recently been published and the actions being taken to ensure that work encompasses this strategy were outlined; and details were provided of the next steps.
Concern was raised regarding the lack of communication in respect the work being undertaken in Darlington to improve the Autism diagnostic process; and that an update should be provided to the recently established Cross Party Autism Working Group.
RESOLVED – That the thanks of the Board be conveyed to the Head of Commissioning, Strategy and Delivery – Children and Young People for her informative presentation.
REASON – To convey the views of the Board.
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