Agenda item

Learning and Skills Annual Report 2020/21

Report of the Group Director of People



The Group Director of People submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with an update on the performance of the Learning and Skills Service for academic year 2020/21; and to allow Scrutiny members an opportunity to challenge the performance of this externally funded service.

It was highlighted that the pandemic had impacted on the Learning and Skills service and  delivery in a number of ways over the last two academic years; however staff had responded magnificently and continued to deliver throughout that time, making a very successful transition to online teaching and learning.


It was reported that the service’s aim was to grow provision whilst continuing to respond to employer and community need; and outlined the challenges ahead.


Members discussed in particular the low take up of apprenticeships and the possible reasons for this; how the Service had been affected by the pandemic and the challenges faced; and Members expressed their concerns for the Learning and Skills service with the impact of the pandemic and the potential uncertainties of the Tees Valley Combined Authority devolved funding model diverging from what the rules and requirements were under the Education and Skills Funding Agency.  It was also suggested that Cabinet be made aware of this Scrutiny Committee’s concerns about the financial impact on learning and skills.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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