Agenda item

Darlington Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report

Report of the Group Director of People


The Group Director of People submitted a report (previously circulated) to enable Members of the Children and Young People Scrutiny to receive and comment upon the Annual Report of the Darlington Safeguarding Partnership (DSP) for the period 2020/21.


It was reported that the Local Safeguarding Partnerships were required to produce an Annual Report to account for the Partnerships achievements over the previous year and make an assessment of the effectiveness of multi-agency safeguarding arrangements within the local area.

The Annual Report outlined what the Partnership had done over the period 2020/21, drawing upon a range of data and information to outline the progress made and illustrated the effectiveness of multi-agency safeguarding partnership arrangements.


Ann Baxter, Independent Chair of the Darlington Safeguarding Partnership attended the meeting to outline the Annual Report and answer Members questions thereon.


It was also highlighted that the Covid-19 Pandemic and the challenges posed to ensure children, young people and vulnerable adults were safeguarded had been the main focus throughout the year.


Particular reference was made to the multi-agency Critical Safeguarding Partnership Group which was established in response to the Government’s emergency procedures and met weekly for the management and oversight of vulnerable children; and the sharing and learning between partners working closely and adapting ways of working to ensure that the most vulnerable were supported and safeguarded.


Members referred to domestic violence and the services provided, working closely with the police to understand the situation in Darlington and Anne assured Members that this was a priority area of the Partnership; discussed the increase in the number of children looked after in Darlington; and questioned the current position regarding Home Elective Education and if systems were in place to re-introduce those families who have elected to home educate back into schools if they so wished.


Members also discussed the safeguarding partners and the challenges of ensuring that all groups other than health, police and the local authority are represented and their voices heard.  Ann acknowledged the work of this Scrutiny on the ‘voice of the child’ during the pandemic and confirmed that the final report of Members had been noted by the Partnership.


RESOLVED – That the Darlington Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report for 2020/21 be noted.



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