Agenda item

Chief Executive's Appraisal

Report of the Assistant Director Resources


The Assistant Director Resources submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that the recommendation of the Appraisal Sub-Group in respect of the Chief Executive’s Performance Appraisal, be endorsed.


The submitted report stated that the Appraisal Sub-Group met on 7 September 2021 to consider the Chief Executive’s Performance Appraisal in accordance with the previously agreed process, and outlined the recommendation of the Appraisal Sub-Group. 


RESOLVED – That, in respect of the Chief Executive’s Appraisal, it be noted that the Appraisal Sub-Group had met and considered the Chief Executive’s Appraisal for 2021/22, and agreed that the Chief Executive will focus on the following key themes for the year ahead:

                                       (i)      transitioning out from Covid as an organisation and as a Borough;


                                     (ii)      execute key regeneration priorities including town centre;


                                   (iii)      delivery and communication of the council plan;


                                   (iv)      promoting the council in a positive light and develop the new leadership with a positive employee culture and service;


                                     (v)      positively seek additional funding for councils schemes;


                                   (vi)      work with partners to better Darlington; and


                                  (vii)      reviewing and delivering the MTFP supporting service delivery.


REASON - To enable the appraisal to be confirmed.?????


Supporting documents: