Agenda item

Licensing Act Policy Review

Report of the Group Director of Services


The Group Director of Services submitted a report (previously circulated)requesting that the current Statement of Licensing Policy be carried forward to allow sufficient time to fully consult with the hospitality trade and stakeholders, once the impact that Covid-19 regulations had on the industry could be sufficiently assessed.


The submitted report stated that, due to Covid-19 restrictions, there had been no opportunity for a meaningful consultation with the hospitality trade and stakeholders on the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy, which was due for renewal, and that a new policy would be developed once the hospitality trade has had a chance to recover from the pandemic, and once the impact of legislative changes made due to Covid-19 could be properly assessed. It was reported that this approach had been supported by the Licensing Committee at its meeting held on 17 August 2021.


RESOLVED That the Statement of Licensing Policy be carried over with immediate effect.


REASON - To ensure standards are maintained until such a time meaningful consultation can take place with the hospitality trade following recovery from Covid-19 restrictions.







Supporting documents: