Report of the Assistant Director, Law and Governance Monitoring Officer
The Assistant Director Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer submitted a report (previously circulated) to give consideration to whether the Council should adopt a revised Code of Conduct based on the Local Government Association Model Councillor Code of Conduct in place of the current Members Code of Conduct
The submitted report set out details of the Local Government Association (LGA) Model Councillor Code of Conduct and provided a comparative analysis about the provisions of the LGA Model Code of Conduct with the Councils own Code of Conduct; and also outlined the reasons in favour of adoption of the LGA Model Code of Conduct and reasons not to adopt. It was proposed to adopt of a revised Code of Conduct for this Council based on the LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct but with some local modifications.
A Consultation Plan was also outlined in the submitted report for Members should they be minded to adopt the LGA Councillor Code of Conduct.
(a) the LGA Model Code of Conduct be noted;
(b) the revised Code of Conduct in the form as set out at Appendix 1, based on the LGA Model Councillor Code but with some local changes, be agreed in principle appropriate to adopt and should be subject to further consultation; and
(c) the proposed consultation plan be approved;
(d) and any changes to the Code of Conduct to be submitted to Council for approval and to agree the proposed consultation prior to the matter being considered by Council.
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