Agenda item

Agricultural Lane and Crematorium, West Cemetery, Carmel Road North


21/00977/DC Application submitted under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the variation of condition 17 (wall to southern boundary) attached to planning permission 21/00271/DC dated 10 June 2021 (Application submitted under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the variation of condition 14 (Drainage) attached to planning permission 19/01185/DC dated 09 March 2020 (Refurbishment of existing crematorium including conversion of existing chapel into office space and erection of chapel, car parking, external lighting, floral tribute area and garden of remembrance on agricultural land adjacent to cemetery to allow an increased discharge rate of 5 l/sec rather than 3.5 l/sec) to omit wall from southern boundary and replace with fence and associated landscaping.


(In reaching its decision, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), ten letters of objection, and the views of the Applicant’s Agent and two Objectors, whom the Committee heard).


RESOLVED – That Planning Permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.             The development hereby permitted shall be commenced not later than 9 March 2023.


REASON – To accord with the provisions of Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.             The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plan(s) as detailed below:


(a)     Proposed site plan, drawing number DC19002/A/020 C3 dated 19.12.2019

(b)    Proposed site plan – crematorium, existing car parking and passing places, drawing number DC19002/A/021 P1 dated 18.12.2019

(c)     Proposed site plan – chapel, drawing number DC19002/A/022 C3 dated 19.12.2019

(d)    Proposed external works – fencing, drawing number DC19002/A/035 C3 dated 19.12.2019

(e)    Proposed external works – fencing details, drawing number DC19002/A/036   P1 dated 19.12.2019

(f)      Contractors compound and access plan - sheet 1 of 2, drawing number DC19002/A/040 P1 dated 29.11.2019

(g)      Contractors compound and access plan – sheet 2 of 2, drawing number DC19002/A/041 P1 dated 29.11.2019

(h)    Proposed ground floor plan – chapel, drawing number DC19002/A/101 P1 dated 28.10.2019

(i)      Proposed ground floor plan – crematorium, drawing number DC19002/A/120 P1 dated 03.12.2019

(j)      Proposed roof plan – crematorium, drawing number DC19002/A/130 P1 dated 16.12.2019

(k)    Proposed roof plan – chapel, drawing number DC19002/A/131 P1 dated 12.11.2019

(l)      Proposed elevations – crematorium, drawing number DC19002/A/220 P1 dated 10.12.19

(m) Proposed chapel elevations, drawing number DC19002/A/221 P1 dated    28.10.2019

(n)    Proposed site sections – chapel, sheet 1 of 3, drawing number DC190002/A/320 P1 dated 19.12.2019

(o)    Proposed site sections – chapel, sheet 2 of 3, drawing number DC19002/A/321 P1 dated 19.12.2019

(p)   Proposed site sections – chapel, sheet 3 of 3, drawing number DC19002/A/322 P1 dated 19.12.2019

(q)   Landscape concept, drawing number BA9684LAN-C dated 8.8.2021 issue I

(r)     Landscape planting detail, drawing number BA9684 LAN-D dated 8.8.2021 issue I

(s)    Landscape planting detail, drawing number BA9684LAN-D1 dated 8.8.2021 issue I

(t)     Landscape planting detail, drawing number BA9684LAN-D2 dated 8.8.2021 issue I

(u)   Landscape planting detail, drawing number BA9684LAN-D3 dated 8.8.2021 issue I

(v)    Landscape planting detail, drawing number BA9684LAN-DLC dated 8.8.2021 issue I

(w)  Landscape specification, drawing number BA9684-LAN-S dated 8.8.2021 issue I

(x)    Outline drainage strategy – chapel, drawing number DC19002-APP-00-XX-DR-C-30001-S3 P06 dated 12.7.2019

(y)    Outline surfacing and level strategy, drawing number DC19002-APP-00-XX-DR-C-30002-S3 P05 dated 12.7.2019

(z)    External lighting and trenching layout sheet 1 of 2, drawing number DC19002/A/607 T1 dated February 2020

(aa)                 External lighting and trenching layout sheet 2 of 2, drawing number DC19002/E/608 T1 dated February 2020


REASON – To define the consent.


3.             The development hereby permitted shall be constructed in accordance with the external materials/finishes as set out in the application and detailed on drawing numbers DC19002/A/220 P1 Proposed elevations – crematorium and DC19002/A/221 P1 Proposed chapel elevations. 


REASON – To ensure that the external appearance of the development is an appropriate design and quality in accordance with Policy CS2.


4.             The ecological enhancement and mitigation measures set out in the Barrett Environmental Ltd ‘Preliminary Ecological Appraisal: Plot 09/035, West Cemetery, Darlington’ dated December 2019 and ‘Bat Survey Report: Crematorium, West Cemetery, Darlington’ dated October 2019 shall be implemented in full.  In addition, no development of the new chapel building above damp proof course level shall take place until a scheme for the planting of an area of species rich grassland on land to the south of the proposed burial ground has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Thereafter the approved scheme shall be implemented in full prior to the chapel first being brought into use.


REASON – To comply with Policy CS15.


5.             The submitted landscaping scheme shall be fully implemented concurrently with the carrying out of the development, or within such extended period which may be agreed in writing, the Local Planning Authority.  Thereafter any trees or shrubs removed, dying, severely damaged or becoming seriously diseased shall be replaced, and the landscaping scheme maintained for a period of five years to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. 


REASON – In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to ensure compliance with Policy CS15.


6.             Prior to any demolition or construction activities taking place on site, existing trees shall be protected in accordance with the details contained in the Barnes Associates Arboricultural Impact Assessment ‘Expansion and Refurbishment of Crematorium and Chapel’ dated 19.12.2019 and shown on drawing number BA9684TPP ‘Tree Impacts’ dated 18.10.2019.  The tree protection measures shall remain in place in accordance with these details for the duration of the construction phase of the development hereby permitted.  


REASON – To ensure a maximum level of protection in order to safeguard the wellbeing of the trees on site and in the interests of the visual amenities of the area.


7.             The demolition and construction phase of the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the measures set out in the ‘West Cemetery Crematorium Construction Management Plan Revision 1’ dated December 2019.


REASON – In the interests of highway safety and residential amenity.


8.             Demolition and construction activities on the site shall not take place outside of the hours of 08.00 – 18.00 Monday to Friday and 08.00 – 14.00 on a Saturday.  There shall be no working on a Sunday other than those activities set out in the Facultatieve Technologies ‘Proposed Sunday Working Schedule’ between the hours of 09.00 and 17.00.


REASON – In the interest of residential amenity.


9.             Prior to installation of the temporary stack associated with the replacement of the existing cremators, details of the stack, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The temporary stack shall be removed following full installation and commissioning of the new cremators which shall thereafter be served by the existing stack.


REASON – In the interest of residential and visual amenity.


10.         Prior to the new chapel hereby permitted first being brought into use, a scheme to provide secure cycle parking on the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Thereafter the chapel shall not be brought into use until the approved details have been implemented in full and shall be retained for the lifetime of the development.


REASON – To encourage access to the site by sustainable modes of transport.


11.         Prior to the new chapel hereby permitted first being brought into use, details of a scheme to erect a 2.4 metre close boarded timber fence adjacent to the service road leading from the south of the existing maintenance building to the existing cemetery shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Thereafter the chapel shall not be brought into use until the fence has been erected in accordance with the details as approved and shall be maintained for the lifetime of the development.


REASON – In the interests of visual and residential amenity.


12.         No development shall commence until a written scheme of investigation setting out a phased programme of archaeological work in accordance with ‘Standards for All Archaeological Work in County Durham and Darlington’ has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The programme of archaeological work will then be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme of works.


REASON – To safeguard any archaeological interest in the site, and to comply with part 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework.  A pre-commencement condition is required as the archaeological investigation/mitigation must be devised prior to the development being implemented.


13.         No part of an individual phase of the development as set out in the agreed programme of archaeological works shall be occupied until the post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the approved Written Scheme of Investigation.  The provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results, and archive deposition, should be confirmed in writing to, and approved by, the Local Planning Authority.


REASON – To comply with paragraph 199 of the National Planning Policy Framework, which requires the developer to record and advance understanding of the significance of heritage assets, and to ensure information gathered becomes publicly accessible.


14.         Development shall be implemented in line with the drainage scheme contained within the submitted document entitled ‘Outline Drainage Strategy – Chapel’ dated 2019-12-05.  The drainage scheme shall ensure that foul and surface water flows discharge to the public sewerage network via the existing private on site drainage.  The additional surface water generated from the new development element of the proposal shall not exceed 5l/sec.


REASON – To prevent the increased risk of flooding from any sources in accordance with the NPPF.


15.         The development hereby approved shall not be commenced on site until a scheme for the implementation, maintenance and management of a sustainable surface water drainage scheme has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The scheme shall be implemented and thereafter managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details.  The scheme shall include but not be restricted to providing the following details:


                           I.            Detailed design of the surface water management system;

                         II.             A built program and timetable for the provision of the critical surface water drainage infrastructure

                       III.             A management plan detailing how surface water runoff from the site will be managed during the construction phase


While the decision to discharge conditions laid out in the paragraph above is a technical one, residents who have been consulted to date shall have sight of the papers which inform any decision to discharge.  Any meetings of professionals to consider the discharge shall have access to comments by residents on the success or otherwise of the flooding mitigation measures.


REASON – To ensure the site is developed in a manner that will not increase the risk of surface water flooding to the site or surrounding area, in accordance Core Strategy Policy CS16 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


16.         The development hereby permitted shall not commence until the remedial works highlighted in the Jet Aire Service GR8370 Darlington Crematorium report and accompanying drawing and mitigation measures highlighted in the Jet Air Services correspondence dated 13/02/2020 have been completed.  The applicant must submit a programme for these works and the drainage system must be fully operational before works commence on the proposed development.


REASON – To ensure that flood risk to the site and neighbouring sites is not increased as a result of this proposed development.


17.         The fence to be built on land adjacent to the southern boundary of the chapel site and associated landscaping scheme hereby approved shall be implemented in accordance with the plans referred to in condition 2 of this permission prior to the chapel first being brought into use.  Thereafter, the fence shall be maintained in accordance with the approved details for the lifetime of the development to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. 


REASON – In the interests of visual and residential amenity.


18.         Prior to the chapel hereby approved being constructed above damp proof course level, details of a wall to be constructed along the southern boundary of the application site and associated landscaping scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Thereafter the wall and landscaping scheme shall be implemented in full in accordance with the approved details prior to the chapel first being brought into use.


REASON – In the interests of visual and residential amenity.



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