Agenda item

Introduction of Charging and Local Eligibility Criteria for the Self Build Register


The Cabinet Member with Economy and Regeneration Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) advising Members of the statutory duties associated with the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as Amended), one of the duties of which was a requirement to provide serviced self-build plots to meet an identified need.


The submitted report stated that currently there was no fee to register which meant persons could have their name on more than one register in the tees valley or wider, which could result in an over?estimation of need in the wider area and ultimately place a burden on several local authorities to provide serviced plots which would not all be required; if left uncontrolled, the current arrangements could see wide interest in building self-build housing from persons with no local connection; and that the introduction of a charge, albeit modest, would allow the authority to recover a small part of the cost of managing the register and associated work involved.


Particular references were made to the launch of the self-build register in 2016, which met the initial duty of the Act; the duties placed on Local Authorities; the Self-Build Register; meeting the duty; policies in the Local Plan; undeveloped plots; self-build on proposed sites; and financial, legal and HR implications.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the requirements of the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as Amended), the need for the this Council to publish a self-build register and meet its duty to grant planning permission for sufficient serviced plots within the Borough, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted.


(b)  That the introduction of the charging schedule (to be reviewed on a regular basis), as set out in the submitted report, for inclusion on Part 1 of the Self-Build Register, be agreed.


(c)  That the introduction of the eligibility criteria for inclusion on Part 1 of the Self-Build Register, as set out in the submitted report, be agreed.


REASONS – (a)  The provision of self-build plots is a requirement as set out in the Self?Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as Amended). In terms of the provision of such plots these should be directed towards genuine need within the Borough.


(b)  The introduction of a charge, albeit modest, also allows the authority to recover a small part of the cost of managing the register and associated work involved.


(c)  Housing land is a finite resource and it is considered that without restrictions on who can apply to be on the register, persons could have their name on more than one register in the Tees Valley or wider. This could result in an over-estimation of need in the wider area.  If left uncontrolled, could see wide interest in building self?build housing from persons with no local connection.


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