Agenda item

Childhood Healthy Weight Plan

Reports of Group Director of People


The Group Director of People submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on the progress made against the Childhood Healthy Weight Plan (also previously circulated).


It was reported that the Childhood Healthy Weight Plan was developed in 2019 prior to the Covid-19 pandemic; and that the pandemic had impacted on the delivery of the actions contained within the plan.


Members were informed of the scope and the vision of the Darlington Childhood Healthy Weight Plan; that the percentage of children at year 6 (2019/20) who were categorised as living with obesity in Darlington was 22.5 per cent, with a figure of 12 per cent at reception age; that childhood obesity and excess weight carried significant health risks for children; and the prevalence of excess weight in least deprived children and young people was decreasing whilst for more deprived children and young people this was increasing. Members also noted that Covid-19 had had a detrimental impact on emotional eating, increased snacking and eating disorders.


Details were provided of the objectives of the Childhood Healthy Weight Plan and of five separate Action Task Groups (ATGs) which were established in January 2021; and the post covid recovery actions and progress made within each of the five ATG’s was outlined.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.

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