Agenda item

Work Programme

Report of the Assistant Director Law and Governance


The Group Director of Operations submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to this Scrutiny Committee’s work programme and to consider any additional areas which Members would like to suggest should be included in the previously approved work programme.


The Chair advised Members that he was making arrangements for Members to meet informally via Microsoft Teams with the Darlington Youth Partnership and Council of Schools Councils; and Shona Duncan, Head of Education, Employment and Skills, Tees Valley Combined Authority had agreed to make a joint presentation to this Scrutiny and Economy and Resources Scrutiny on the funding allocation for our authority and where the education funding is being focused.


Others areas suggested by Members to examine further included young people who were currently out of school and how to get those children back into education; access to education for children in care; and school meals for primary school aged children.


The Assistant Director of Children’s Services also advised that he would provide Members with information on a number of key changes in terms of intervention and support for those children who are  ‘missing from care’ at a future meeting.

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