The Head of Culture gave an update to the Board on the refurbishment project for the Crown Street Library building. In providing the update it was reported that it had been hoped that the work would have been completed by now, however, as a result of a number of issues, one of which related to the scaffold design for the roof, this had not been possible. Following feasibility work with scaffolding and roofing contractors it had become evident that it would not be a straight forward exercise due to the design required for the roof; complications relating to the glass that was inset in certain parts of the roof; proximity of the Sports Direct building which put limitations on scaffolding; road closures that were required for Crown Street; and the issues around the footpath not being able to take the load of the scaffold.
It was reported that tenders had now been submitted on a design that met the requirements of the structural engineer; it was expected that the work to erect the scaffolding would start in November; the programme of works would take between 12 and 13 months to complete; the road closure order required to enable the scaffolding to be erected would be published in October; and that consultation had taken place with the transport providers on the proposed closures.
Particular reference was made to the successful submission of a Round 1 bid for funding of just over £200,000 from the Arts Council Library Improvement Fund to supplement the budget for the work, which would, if successful, be used for digital infrastructure work and contributions to the reminiscence area.
Board Members in attendance at the meeting welcomed the provision of the reading room; the investment made by Darlington Borough Council in the building and the town’s culture; requested that space be made available for the local studies resources and archives; and stated that the building would be more of an ‘icon’ for the town, particularly leading up to the 2025 bi-centenary celebrations marking the opening of the Stockton and Darlington Railway. Particular references were made to sustainability plans and to information being made available in a report format in advance of future meetings, to enable greater consideration to be given to the issues in advance of the meeting. The Head of Culture responded thereon.
Following a request by one of the Board Members, the Towns Fund Programme Manager gave an update to the Board on other regeneration plans in the Town Centre that would have an impact and complement the work being undertaken on the Crown Street Library. It was reported that £1M of funds had been secured from the Towns Fund and that approximately 50 per cent of those funds had been spent on the Yards with the remaining money being spent on lighting enhancements; WiFi in the Town Centre; and acquisition of a property in Northgate, with plans to purchase a further two properties.
In addition to the Town Funds Programme, £22.3M of funding had been secured from the Town Deal Fund to fund a total of nine projects. Funding had been received for three of those projects, namely the Adult Skills Project in the Northern Echo building, the TLevels Project based at the College and the Skinnergate and the Yards Project, and an update was given on each of those projects at the meeting. Business cases were required for the further six projects, which included the Rail Heritage Quarter, Bank Top and Railway Scheme, North Road, Linear Park/Skerne Valley, Edward Pease House and Victoria Road, to enable the funding for those schemes to be released and for those projects to be progressed, the deadline for submission of those business cases was November 2021. Again an update on each of those projects was given at the meeting.
Particular reference was made to the proposed purchase of the former Northern Echo building on Crown Street, to be used an Adult Skills facility, which would complement and link in with the Crown Street Library, and to the stakeholder engagement that would take place as that project progressed.
It was reported that planning permission had been sought to demolish the former Sports Direct building, on the site to the rear of the library, and a number of early architect proposals for the site were shared at the meeting.
The potential opportunities around the Library building were welcomed by the Board and it was requested that the Trustees be updated, at opportune times, to enable them to have their input and that the links between the Adults Skills project and the library be developed, with a view to the Adults Skills project being seen as a possible extension of the services available at the library.
IT WAS AGREED – (a) That the report be noted.
(b) That reports be submitted to future meetings of the Board, and that those reports include information on how the Library would meet its environmental and sustainability targets.
(c) That Trustees be updated on the potential opportunities around the Library building at opportune times.