Agenda item

Healthy New Towns - Presentation by Hilary Hall, Project Manager, Healthy New Towns.


The Project Manager, Healthy New Towns, gave a presentation to update the Board on the Healthy New Towns project, including the progress made in respect of the three main workstreams of the project which included regeneration and housing (including the built environment and community activation), new models of care and digital as an enabler.


It was reported that the aim of the regeneration and housing workstream was to provide good quality home design, including the meeting of Lifetime Homes Standards; the built environment and public realm as public health enabler; and community engagement, empowerment and activation.  Particular reference was made to the influences and design principles of the Local Plan which included well planned, high quality, sustainable places; an attractive place to live, work, visit and invest in; economic growth; and greater certainty around infrastructure.  References were also made to the Local Plan Context; Eastern Growth Zone; delivery of the Red Hall Masterplan; Community Initiatives; and the aims for Red Hall and other challenged communities.


An update was given on the outputs to date from Phase One of the New Models of Care workstream, namely the development of GP Practices working in hubs and the sharing of ‘back office’ functions.  Reference was made to the work included in Phases Two to Four, which were not mutually exclusive and may run in parallel.


The final workstream, digital as an enabler, would harnass the advantages of digital information exchange to manage ever growing demand; release efficiencies; and empower and educate patients and residents.  An update was given on the work that had been implemented to date.


Particular references were made to the legacy of the project; the project structure; and involvement in Phase Three of the New Models of Care workstream.


RESOLVED – That the thanks of the Board be conveyed to the Project Manager of Healthy New Towns, for her informative presentation.


REASONS – To convey the views of the Board.