Agenda item

Schools Questionnaire on the Locally Agreed Syllabus - Primary and Secondary

Updated SurveyMonkey analysis


Submitted – Updated Survey Monkey results of the questionnaire circulated to all schools regarding use of the Darlington Locally Agreed Syllabus (previously circulated) which was submitted to the meeting of SACRE held on 5 July 2021 which was inquorate.


The results of the questionnaire showed that 73.91 per cent of schools who answered currently use the Syllabus however 69.57 per cent expressed an opinion that the syllabus needed to be changed, confirming the decision to review the current Locally Agreed Syllabus in Darlington.


It was noted that 43.48 per cent of those schools that answered felt that the current Syllabus did not reflect the history of faith in our local community, in particular Darlington communities such as the Quakers.    Members agreed that Agreed Syllabus Conference review of the Syllabus take this into consideration with the suggestion of a specific work unit included on Quakerism.


IT WAS AGREED – That the results of the questionnaire be noted.



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