Agenda item



United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women– The Mayor informed Members that it was United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which marked the start of sixteen days of activism. The Mayor advised that the Darlington Soroptimists supported the campaign each year, had distributed an orange ribbon and further information to each Member, and encouraged each Member to support the campaign by wearing their orange ribbon throughout the sixteen days of activism.


Troy Williamson, British Super Welterweight Champion – The Mayor advised Members that Troy Williamson, who was born and raised in Darlington, had won the British Super Welterweight title in boxing, after defeating Ted Cheeseman in Liverpool on 9 October 2021. The Mayor congratulated Mr. Williamson on behalf of the Council on his achievement.  


Ian Williams, Chief Executive – The Mayor reported that the Chief Executive was absent from the meeting after recently undergoing knee replacement surgery, and was currently recuperating at home. The Mayor advised that the Group Director of Operations was representing the Chief Executive at the meeting, and extended the best wishes of the Council to the Chief Executive for a return to good health and mobility.