Report of the Group Director of Services
The Group Director of Services submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the release of £1.610M of Council funding for the refurbishment and development of outdoor facilities at Eastbourne Sports Complex.
The submitted report stated that Eastbourne Sports Complex had opened in 1999, had operated successfully for the past 22 years and continued to be the Council’s key outdoor sports facilities that contributed to the Council’s vision and outcomes. It was reported that the site provided a range of facilities and a number of athletic and football clubs used the site on a weekly basis, as well as a range of partners, schools and casual use, which generated approximately 170,000 visits a year.
The submitted report highlighted a number of issues and opportunities for Members to consider in relation to Eastbourne Sports Complex, namely that the athletics track was now at the end of its lifecycle and that it was becoming uneconomical to continue with temporary repairs; that the Football Foundation had given an in principal offer of up to £700K towards the provision of an additional Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) at Eastbourne; and that access and egress from the site via Bourne Avenue caused an overspill of traffic into the surrounding estate when the Complex operated at capacity.
The submitted report stated that Cabinet had considered options presented to address the issues and take advantage of the opportunities at their meeting on 9 November 2021, and that Cabinet recommended that Option 4 be progressed.
RESOLVED – That £1.610M of Council funding for the scheme, which will be financed through prudential borrowing and Capital receipts, be approved and released.
REASONS - (a) To ensure that the Council continues to provide an appropriate competition standard athletics facility in the town.
(b) In line with the Playing Pitch and Facilities Strategy provide an additional AGP at Eastbourne working in partnership with the Football Foundation.
(c) Eastbourne Sports Complex contributes to the Council Vision and Portfolio priorities as the Council’s main outdoor sporting hub. The investment modernises facilities and will support the transformation of services and improve the facilities available for residents of the Borough.
Supporting documents: