Agenda item

Bank Top Masterplan

Presentation by Assistant Director – Highways and Capital Projects


The Assistant Director – Highways and Capital Projects gave a presentation (previously circulated) updating Members on the Bank Top Masterplan and in doing so outlined the project objectives to transform Darlington Train Station into a modern transport hub; to provide more frequent and faster local and national services and futureproof the station for future services; and to support and enhance the wider Darlington Regeneration initiatives.


The presentation outlined the component parts of the project which included Darlington Station, Victoria Road Interchange, Cattle Market, Victoria Road improvements, New Station, Multi-storey car park and Interchange and link to Central Park; details were provided of the key feature of Station East, Darlington Station and the Transport Interchange – Victoria Road; and delivery timescales were outlined.


The presentation provided a number of graphics, including the station entrance, multi-storey car park and interchange; and Members were provided with details of the latest position of the project.


Discussion ensued on the toilet and changing facilities for the new station; the availability of bicycle parking; and following a question on the anticipated impact of timetable changes, Members were advised that a net overall increase in footfall was predicted, with faster services and an increased number of trains per hour which would assist in futureproofing the station for future services.


RESOLVED – That the presentation be noted.


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