Report of Assistant Director – Community Services and Assistant Director – Highways and Capital Projects
The Assistant Director Community Services and Assistant Director Highways and Capital Projects submitted a report (previously circulated) together with detailed performance scorecards (also previously circulated) advising Members of the Quarter 2 performance against those key indicators for 2021/2022 which were within the remit of this Scrutiny Committee.
It was reported that of the 25 indicators that were reported six monthly at quarter 2, seven were showing performance better than the same period in the previous year; one indicator was showing performance the same; four indicators were showing performance not as good as the same period in the previous year; and five indicators did not have comparative information from last year due to Coronavirus restrictions.
In relation to the Culture indicators, particular reference was made to CUL 037 – Number of shows held at the Hippodrome and CUL 038 – Number of individual attendances at theatre shows which had both started to see an increase as restrictions were eased ; and reference was made to ENV 002 – Street Champions, which had seen a significant increase in the number of active Street Champions.
Particular reference was also made to the performance indicators relating to Road Traffic Accidents, with the majority seeing a reduction; this was attributed to significantly less traffic as a result of the pandemic and periods of lockdown.
Discussion ensued on fly tipping and the need for improved monitoring via cameras; Members were assured that whilst there were some resource constraints, a significant amount of work was being done to tackle fly tipping, this included the use of covert and overt cameras and the Back Lanes Project. Reference was made to the My Darlington App which could be used by residents to report fly tipping; it was suggested that Members be provided with a presentation on the new My Darlington app and that the use of incentives to encourage usage by the public, be explored.
In light of the changes to the management of large fly tips, Members were informed that work was being undertaken to review the performance indicators and that two separate targets, Civic Enforcement to investigate and Street Scene to clear, may be reported in the future.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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