Report of the Group Director of Operations
The Group Director of Operations submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to this Scrutiny Committee’s work programme and to consider any additional areas which Members would like to suggest should be included in the previously approved work programme.
Members also gave consideration to a request to carry out a review of the Vulnerable Pupil Panel including the relevant quad of aims.
It was also reported that on 22 February, 2022 a virtual meeting had been arranged for Members of this Scrutiny Committee to meet with young people from the Darlington Youth Partnership and Council of School Councils to discuss projects the Council are working on to try and capture the voice of children and young people from across Darlington.
And on 11 February, 2022 the Head of Employment, Education and Skills, Tees Valley Combined Authority attended a joint briefing with Members of this Committee and the Economy and Resources Scrutiny Committee to discuss the education and skills funding allocation as it relates to our authority and where specifically the spend is being focused.
RESOLVED – (a) That the work programme be noted.
(b) That a review of the Vulnerable Pupil Panel be included in the work programme of this Scrutiny Committee.
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