Agenda item

Adoption of Darlington Borough Local Plan 2016-2036

Report of the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking the approval of the changes recommended during the examination process of the Borough of Darlington Local Plan 2016 – 2036 (Darlington Local Plan).


The submitted report stated that an up-to-date Local Plan was essential to meet the development needs of the Borough, and to enable the Council to shape and maintain control of development. The submitted report outlined that the Local Plan was a framework for growth and aimed to ensure that Darlington became an even more sustainable location in which people increasingly chose to live, work and visit.  It was highlighted that in addition to delivering the economic strategy, the Local Plan also identified provision for new housing and infrastructure to meet the needs of the current and future population.


The submitted report highlighted that the Local Plan provided the Council with the required spatial guidance and direction to contribute to, and enable, the structured development of the Borough, whilst mitigating and adapting to climate change, protecting and enhancing the environment, heritage, and green infrastructure.


The independent inspector’s report was appended to the submitted report, and identified that the Local Plan (subject to recommended Main Modifications) was sound, legally compliant and capable of adoption.


The submitted report also highlighted the statutory procedures for the adoption of the Local Plan, outlining that there would be a six-week period following adoption when it could be challenged in the High Court under Section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rules, a request was made by five Members for a named vote on the Motion. A named vote was taken of those Members present at the meeting and there appeared:-


For the Motion – Councillors Dr. Chou, Clarke, Crudass, Mrs. Culley, Donoghue, Dulston, Durham, Johnson, B. Jones, Mrs. D. Jones, Keir, Laing, Lee, Marshall, Mills, K. Nicholson, Preston, Renton, Mrs. H. Scott, Sowerby, Tait, Tostevin, Willis and Wright (24)


Against the Motion – The Mayor; Councillors Ali, Allen, Bartch, Cossins, Crumbie, Curry, Harker, Haszeldine, Holroyd, L. Hughes, Layton, Lucas, McCollom, McEwan, Newall, M. Nicholson, A. J. Scott, Snedker and Wallis (20)


Abstentions – Councillor Bell (1) 


RESOLVED - (a) That the conclusions of the Report on the Examination of the Darlington Local Plan received from the Planning Inspectorate (as appended at Appendix 1 of the submitted report) which recommended that, subject to modifications, the Local Plan can be adopted, be agreed.


(b) That the Darlington Local Plan (including all modifications detailed in Appendices 1 and 2) attached at Appendix 3 and Policies Map at Appendix 4 be adopted (including modifications detailed in Appendix 5), be agreed.


(c) That the Core Strategy (2010) policies and saved Local Plan (1997, alterations 2001) policies will be superseded upon the adoption of the Darlington Local Plan, be agreed.


(d) That it be noted that there is a six-week High Court challenge period should any aggrieved party wish to challenge how the plan has been prepared.


REASON - Local Planning Authorities must prepare a Local Plan that sets out the local planning policies for their local planning authority area.  Government guidance requires that Local Plans must be positively prepared, justified, effective and be consistent with national policy, in accordance with Section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).





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