The Director of Children and Adults Services submitted a report (previously circulated) updating the Board on delivery of the 2017/19 Better Care Fund (BCF) submission and associated plans; providing the Board with a year end position on the Fund at the end of 2017/1; an overview of the changes to the expenditure plan for 2018/19; and providing information to the Board on the updated guidance received in July 2018, in respect of the second year of the plan.
The submitted report outlined the current position and work undertaken to date on the seven broad workstreams, established to support the delivery of the BCF priorities; outlined the areas where the additional iBCF grant funding was being used; and provided a summary of the 2017/18 (year end) national monitoring report, including updates on the four BCF metrics and implementation on the High Impact Change Model. The monitoring report required confirmation that Darlington had complied with the national conditions attached to BCF. It was reported at that meeting that one metric had not been met, namely transfer of care, which was mainly due to out of Borough placements.
Particular reference was made to the work of the BCF Darlington Delivery Group which monitored local delivery of the BCF and had reviewed a number of schemes, resulting in specification changes, contract changes and scheme cessation, all of which were reflected in the updated expenditure plan for 2018/19 (also previously circulated).
It was reported that Operational Guidance had been published in July 2018, which gave the opportunity to amend or update targets for the four metrics and reflect any changes to the expenditure plan arising from the scheme reviews and contract changes; stated there were no plans to make any changes to the non-elective admissions target; residential admissions and ASCOF2B targets were part of the Council’s policy framework and would be changed in line with the refreshed performance framework; Delayed Transfer of Care targets were being refreshed nationally; and that the no revisions to the BCF plans were required other than in relation to metric for Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC), but that plans could be amended to modify or decommission schemes or increase investment. Although a number of schemes had been received in Darlington there was no impact on the BCF financial envelope as a whole, and as such, there was no requirement to submit a refreshed expenditure plan, but one had been prepared for local monitoring.
Discussion ensued on the signposting of services and the assistance that was available through Healthwatch; supporting carers and young carers and the monitoring and evaluation of the success of that support; the Community Contract; and delayed transfers.
RESOLVED – (a) That the progress to date on delivering 2017/19 Better Care Fund objectives, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.
(b) That the delivery of the Better Care Fund within the financial envelope in 2017/18 and the plans to continue delivery with minimal alteration in 2018/19, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.
(c) That the position in respect of the national metrics and the actions taken, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted.
REASONS – (a) The two-year plan remains in place with delivery progressing well; new guidance issued in June has not required any amendment or addition. Scheme reviews during the year have led to small changes in the expenditure plan for 2018/19 but not at a material level.
(b) There is an expectation that a further plan will be required for 2019/20 but no guidance has yet been received.
(c) This report summarises the current position.
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